Top 5 tips to help you recover as a Wedding Photographer

Now, this can be applied to anyone who’s regularly on their feet for long periods of time, but over the years I’ve found this helped me the most - especially when it comes to back to back wedding days. They’re long and can be 12+ hour days with just a 30-60 minute break. Most of this time is spent on your feet, being super focused and alert and often talking.

So if you need some new things to try or don’t have a routine, but don’t need to start here’s my top 5 things I do to help me recover!

Venue: Walton View Hotel, Bradford & Bridal: Milan Bridal

Tip #1 - Hydrate

I cannot tell you how much good intention in the world has failed. I’ll get a drink when I’m there, I have loads of time. Then you arrive and things are off track, the couple needs your help and now you’re 3 hours in with no drink. Take a bottle of water or something you can refill and do it at each opportunity. Hot day’s are the worst and you’ll be left with a headache and a sore throat.

Tip #2 - Shower during back up

I know you just want to go to bed, but trust me…5 minutes in the shower after you’ve pressed upload will feel amazing. And, on the off chance you’re you’re too tired to shower before the next day’s wedding - you’ve at least freshened up from the day before.

Tip #3 - Elevate & Moisturise

Elevate your legs for at least 15 minutes to help with swelling and circulation. Then moisturise you’re feet and pop some socks on to help it sink in. My fave is something a little cooling, but a Palmers Butter is cost effective and a great staple. If putting socks on with moisturiser gives you the ick, then try a foot pack which comes with disposable booties. You can get them as cheap as £1 from somewhere like B ‘n’ M.

Tip #4 - Don’t forget your face!

You can do this whilst doing tip #3, pop a face mask on. Sheet masks by MediHeal are my favourite and are amazing straight from the fridge, if it’s a particularly hot day. Your skin will feel hydrated, less puffy and will look less tired in the morning.

Tip #5 - Charge whilst you sleep

Now, not everyone agrees with this, but for me - it’s been such a time saver. Once I have backed up, I put my batteries on charge, swap out any memory cards and then pop them all back in bag ready for the next day.

These are just a couple of ways you can help yourself on the evening of a long day to help you recover. Long term, there will be things you do to help you plan and prepare…some of these things for me are:

  • Strength Training

  • Having a ‘wedding/shoot’ wardrobe - things I’m comfortable shooting in during both summer and winter

  • Staying overnight when it’s a longer distance event or halfway towards the next days venue

  • Having an on the day kit of energy boosters in liquid form, just incase (and pain killers)

  • Investing in comfortable shoes

Did you find any of this helpful?


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