Creatives never stop learning

Haven’t you noticed that? There is always something new to learn, try out, improve, share…no matter how many years I’ve spent photographing - it’s still important to grow. For me it’s in business, having time to create, re-learning Instagram after 3 weeks because they changed something and I’m back to square one!

Workshops and shoot day’s are one of the way’s that I do that for myself and for others. They’re a great way to learn, create and make new connections…let’s face it running a business can be lonely, so a new face is always nice to know ♡

November 27-28 will be final workshop of the year and I’m so excited to able to share some knowledge and create some beautiful shoot for the attendees! I’m an open book - literally ask me anything on these days, pick away at my my brain! In all the excitement for what’s coming, it got me looking back at the summer workshops held in July. I’ll blog these at a later date in more detail but wanted to take the opportunity to share some of those images captured from myself and the attendees.

The shoot day/portfolio type workshops are great as you get small pockets of lead shooting time, whilst group shooting and seeing how everyone else works. Your brain is constantly picking up what is going on around you, trail and error live in action!

A full list of credits below images

Here’s some of the incredible work from photographers who attended workshops this year:
Nettlespie Photography

Models: bRYONY kIRKHAM, cAITY mOLLY, cHarley & Tom, Lanina & Braden
Lanina’s MUAH: lanina’s beauty box
DRESSES: millia london
Velvet jacket: moss bross
shoes: the new glass slipper
lace boots: house of elliot boots
stationery: velvet may designs
cakes: cakes to please
hair accessories: vintage adornments
lingerie: caity & Bryony’s own


Best of 2021


Learn to Love Campaign Part 1